Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy: Facts, studies and a case study

There are many different ways to approach couples therapy - Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy is one of them. If you are considering whether Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy can

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Handling difficult emotions in relationships

What you will learn about handling difficult emotions in relationshipsIn this article you will learn more about how to handle difficult emotions both for yourself and through your

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Learning empathy in relationships: How can I be more empathic?

Learning empathy in the relationship or: How can I understand my partner better?Imagine your partner can empathize with your emotions, you feel deeply understood by your partner. Also,

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Couples therapy or individual therapy? What is right for me/us?

Viele Klienten, die zu mir kommen, stellen mir die Frage, ob in einer Beziehungskrise eine Einzeltherapie oder Paartherapie das Richtige für sie ist. Das ist eine wichtige Frage,

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Boredom in relationships? Tips from 19 relationship experts

Boredom in long-term relationshipsAll relationships go through different phases. When getting to know each other and at the beginning of the relationship, everything is often very exciting; the

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Managing emotional triggers in conflicts with the breakwater method

Learning to regulate emotional triggers in a relationship Just a moment ago everything was fine, you were planning a cozy evening with your partner, cooking together, but suddenly

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How does my attachment style affect my relationship?

Bindungstheorie und ihr Einfluss auf deine Beziehung Eine liebevolle, aufmerksame, stabile und glückliche Beziehung zu führen: Das ist wohl etwas, was sich die meisten Menschen wünschen. Doch warum

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Online counseling – is that effective?

How does it work? I am often asked how I work with my clients in online counseling. So I've collected the most common questions to give you answers

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11 Fair fighting rules for couples

Why do you need fair fighting rules for couples?Communication in a relationship is often not easy. Because you often trigger each other, something makes you angry, or you

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How gratitude strengthens your relationship

Using gratitude as a superpower in your relationshipGratitude is one of the trends from positive psychology that I want to introduce to you here in the context of

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